Mini-Grant In Action: Author Visit

In September librarian Mary Gruber submitted a mini grant proposal for world-renowned author and underwater photographer, Michael Patrick O’Neill to visit. The students spent weeks preparing for his visit honing their reading and writing skills and creating art of undersea worlds. The two elementary buildings were festooned with the products of their efforts for Mr. O’Neill to explore in the hallways before his performances. The students hung onto his every word as he described some of his close encounters with enormous and microscopic marine organisms with a backdrop of pictures. The students gasped with delight when they saw him swimming alongside an 800-pound Goliath Grouper or taking a picture of the supreme predator, a hammerhead shark. When slides about how to become a writer appeared on the screen, the students responded enthusiastically, clearly enthralled with the work of this engaging author. What an inspiring day for our young students! If you’d like to consider donating to experience such as this one provided through our mini grant program, please click here.


Meet Our New Secretary - Melissa Nolte


Mini-Grant In Action: The Rubik’s Cube Club